Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Anniversary in Half Moon Bay

Sam and I got to celebrate our anniversary (Thanksgiving weekend) up at Half Moon Bay! We stayed at this incredible hotel, The Ritz-Carlton Half Moon Bay. It was the first hotel I have been to that seriously deserved its incredible ratings. On arrival they had amazing banana bread and apple cider for us. The SOFTEST robes and towels I have ever felt, etc etc! Plus it was my first time ordering room service. It was so great to spend the day there in Half Moon Bay, it is such a gorgeous place!

SOO beautiful! That's our hotel in the background!

Mmm Sees and Jewelry...yes my husband knows me well! haha

Thought it was so funny to see a Book of Mormon in a non-Utah hotel!

We danced in this gazebo to our song...sigh. I love my husband.

The cake place we used for our wedding (Sweet Passions Bakery) gave us a free cake top for our one year anniversary, so we didn't have to freeze it! Delicious banana cake!

What an incredible first year of marriage. Here is to a great second year!


  1. That cake looks so pretty, I don't know if I would have the heart to eat it!

  2. you should stay in more Marriott's.....they all have Book of Mormons! (The Ritz Carlton is owned by them)

    We used to get a "Temple Rate" in Washington DC when we stayed at the Marriott down there.
