Saturday, April 30, 2011

Royal Wedding Sneak Peek

Sorry I have been on a blog hiatus lately!! Between school finishing and traveling things have been crazy, but they are slowing down now. Here is a sneak peek of our day yesterday waiting on the mall for the royal wedding route! We were on the first row of the crowd! I am still so excited that I got this picture!! More pictures of the wedding and our Iberian vacation to come!


  1. This is amazing!!! So awesome you could be there for that! Can't wait for more pictures :)

  2. That's impressive! I thought that picture was from the internet.

    The wedding has been everywhere in the news here. It's crazy! Cool that you got to see it in first person.

  3. That is such a good photo. It looks like a fun time!

  4. You sure you aren't a professional photographer?Such a great memory for you.
