Friday, October 8, 2010

Carol Hannah Whitfield

A few months back Sam and I got to meet Carol Hannah from Project Runway season 6 at a bridal shop. She has been far and away my favorite designer on all the seasons of the show. Seeing her ruffly, very feminine designs made me want to get into sewing. So fun to get to meet her. Here are a few of her designs: 
 She made this dress out of paper!! Isn't it INCREDIBLE??:

Me and Carol Hannah!!


  1. How fun! I love her too. She is so talented.

  2. So glad you got to meet Carol Hannah- I totally have a girl crush on her and love everything she designs. And by the way I love your scarf!

  3. Thanks Em! I found the fabric in the remnants bin at Joann's for like $1 and hemmed the edges to make a scarf! haha

  4. When you have a minute or two, will you email me the pictures you took up the canyon when you came up to visit?
    (stephgholmes at yahoo) THANKS!
