Thursday, October 8, 2009

Heading To Europe!

The Lentz family is heading on our European Adventure! Hopefully we will fair better than the Griswold's! (Btw did you hear they are making a new "vacation" movie?!?!) Sam is heading over to London for work so I am going to meet him there! He is leaving me on Sunday for TWO WEEKS (longest we have been apart since I was in Hawaii...sigh), then I get to meet him in fabulous London! We will be staying about a kilometer away from EVERYTHING in downtown London! So excited to shop on Oxford St. and Portobello Rd...Oh and probably see some cool sights too. haha.

We will stay there for a week then head to...PARIS! We will be staying in this absolutely gorgeous hotel in Versailles. I have been brushing up on my french....haha...We could not be more excited!! Although I have to say I am seriously dreading the two weeks alone....any good craft project ideas????

(and yes I know there are a ridiculous amount of exclamation points in this post, but hey! We are excited!!!)


  1. I am so excited for you guys. It was extremely difficult for me the first time I was away from Stuart after we were married. I am sure you will do great though. Soon enough you will be eating crepes and cheese!

  2. Hehe exactly Kathy. That is what will get me through those long two weeks. Knowing we get to rendezvous in London!! But I am definitely nervous about being in our place alone at night!

  3. You dear ones will have such a great time. Beware that this UK travelling gets in your blood. You will love it so much. We're soo glad you are having so much fun travelling together. Hsave a "jolly good time!"
    Love you guys!
