Saturday, February 28, 2009

My 25 Things To Do Before I am 25

So in spite of Sam turning 25 last week (which that is the next post following once I upload the photos) I decided that I needed to make a list of things I want to do before I am 25. Some are pretty silly and some I want to do very badly! So here goes:

What do you think?

1. Bungee Jump (off of a bridge NOT a dam!)
2. Sky dive (preferably somewhere tropical...but if it really comes down to it Hollister will do...sigh)
3. Get a passport so I can LEGALLY go out of the country and not have to be smuggled back in
4. USE my passport...hopefully to Europe, I've been tropical a bit lately and I'm ready for some real European culture!
5. Birth a little bundle of joy! haha
6. Buy a home
7. Get my bachelors degree in Photography
8. Start my photography business for real
9. Learn to play the guitar...or at least the piano better
10. Get into a habit of going to the gym at least 2 or 3 times a week
11. Snowboard in a place other than tahoe
12. Go to the East Coast....and see something besides NYC
13. Turn some of my photos into postcards
14. Become a Super Mormon Crafty Momma
15. Lead an aerobics class
16. Go to a karaoke bar and sing my heart out with Sammy
17. Drive across the Autoban (may have to be pushed til the before I'm 30 list...we'll see when we get to Europe!)
18. Drive an Astin Martin or Maserati
19. Expand my french vocabulary to the point where I can actually have a real conversation
20. Try Caviar (I always thought it was something against the word of wisdom when I was little...hehe not sure why)
21. Golf 18 holes on a REAL golf course
22. Have a canning day!
23. Make a meal using dried camping food and see if Sam notices the difference
24. Design and sew some clothing for myself, and learn how to make baby dresses! And Sew a quilt!
25. Paint our walls (in the house to be bought before 25) actual colors besides beige or white!! Have at least one red wall in the kitchen!!!


  1. Looing at the wonderful list makes me more aware of how perfect you and Sam are.

  2. This is such a cute list! I love it. I still need to make my 30 before 30. :)
