So grateful for my sweet husband and for him always making my birthdays awesome! Although this birth week of mine didn't start out exactly as planned, we still made the best of it. Two days before my birthday I woke up to unpleasant sounds of Sam in the bathroom throwing up. Poor baby!!! I hate hearing him throw up, it makes me cry pretty much every time. We were under the impression that he had food poisoning, as he ate some pretty old mushroom ravioli with alfredo sauce... So of course I was doting on him like crazy. Kissing him, hugging him, etc.
As we were going to bed that night, though, I started to get the feeling that it wasn't food poisoning he had. I was up the entire night just waiting for the sickness to come on. It was torture. Finally at about 6 am it began for me, too. Poor Sam had to take care of me while he was still feeling wretched. So needless to say, on my birthday we took it easy. We ended up going out later that week for dinner. We had a LOT of nice dinners in my birth month, thanks to all the birthday clubs that I sign up for!
I can't remember if the roses were from Mother's Day or my birthday (they both kind of combined together with us not feeling well). My hubby knows the way to my heart is a scotchmallow! hehe
BUUUUT... I got the greatest present of all!! Sam bought me a SEWING MACHINE!!!!!!!!!!!! It has been SOOO much fun learning. I have now had my machine for over a month and have made so many projects with it already!
Unfortunately Sam went out of town on Monday for work, so I've been spending the week all alone at our place. On Tuesday night I was sewing late at night. It was this big project with ruffles, jersey knit, and a few layers so it was a little tough to keep things all together. All of a sudden, my sewing needle went into my finger and broke off. I didn't realize what happened at first until the pain set in, and I noticed the needle had gone all the way through and was poking through my nail! I started totally balling and had to call Sam. He felt so bad that he wasn't there to help me get the THICK needle out of my finger, so he ended up calling my dad to come over and help. Felt like the good old days of my dad taking care of my wound. So sweet of my daddy to come over so late at night. So grateful for the wonderful men in my life!